kütüptiyini · neocities · org / index.html

hello this is a dump of my confused mind i don't exactly know what to do with this but it is a blank canvas a blank sheet of like a3 paper and i plan to use it as such just dump shit on here unscrupulously and with the passage of time it might eventually look like something

note dumpster

xxx nov mmxxiv this day is the day i made this thing // i made it with rather haphazard html and css but i feel like it looks decently enough // nostalgia is all the rage these days especially nostalgia for times when i was learning to mess with html and stuff like using a very legally obtained copy of macromedia dreamweaver and shit oh yeah remember dreamweaver anyways // i don't really feel nostalgic for those days per se i mean people are being nostalgic for the whole technological past these days but two thousands is a new thing idk it is for me it is a time that i experienced first hand and not as a i don't remember it as a pleasant yesterday it is just times past idk // i would say this thing is influenced by not by any nostalgia per se but more like amusement at this with this ave of sorry whoops wave of nostalgia // am i accidentally doing meta-criticism what's this